
Hello Flugtag Fans and welcome to our blog.

Here you will be able to find all the latest news on our entry for Red Bulls Flugtag 2011, July 17th 2011, in Roundhay park Leeds.

Thursday 7 July 2011

Signor Spielbergo

Video number 2 is up, and is a fight promo, who will win? The King of Kings or the Prince of Darkness?

Published blogger?

Part 2 of my article for theloveofit.co.uk is up and available, check it out. I smell a Pullitzer!


Part 3 will be available after the event. Will it be tears of joy? or sadness?

Monday 4 July 2011

Blast from the past

I have been able to trawl the Red Bull archives, and have found the earliest recording of Flugtag in this 1912 Public Information film entitled "the Fearless Liberating Union of Gentlemen Trained Amateur Glidernauts

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Fig Leaves are appropriate attire

I have finally gotten round to covering up Adam's modesty with the classic "fig leaf" underwear... it only just about covers his rudey bits! but enough so that the kiddies won't be scared for life!

Also finished his head, he is looking a little deformed, but you would too if you'd had one of your ribs pulled out!

Skeleton structure

Hmmmm so it seems that homemade gliders don't come with instructions.

So flap "A" goes into hole "B" and rotate around Flange "C"?

Collect 'em all

Much like football stickers, pokemon and STDs the next big thing to collect is Para(dise) Glider Lost promo stickers.

Hot off the presses from our illustrators (www.danieltarrant.co.uk) are our two designs, hopefully we will be flooding the country with these to promote the event and our team

Tuesday 28 June 2011

God Complex

The power of life and death? Or just needle and thread! I am particularly happy with my beard! Without it I had an uncanny resemblance to Ghandi!

The Pied Piper

You could only follow the Pied Piper of Hamlin with his pipe, but you can follow use through

Therefore we win!

In your face Pied Piper!

Monday 27 June 2011

Bill posters will be prosecuted - part I

Who is this "Bill Posters" and what has he done that he needs prosecuting for?  I don't know! But there will certainly be some more awesome posters around the Midlands thanks to our illustrator www.danieltarrant.co.uk who has created this AWESOME poster for our entry in the competition!

Sunday 26 June 2011

Adams Doppelganger

Ok, after weeks of wracking my brain, I have finally figured out who Adam looks like!!

Yes, its non-other than Red Dwarfs finest robot - Kryton!! I can assure that I haven't decapitated Robert Llewelyn and mounted his head on our glider!

(by the way he is not fully painted yet, obviously)

Adam gets skinned

Here I am with another time lapse film adding some skin colouration onto Adam, with a nice bit of classic Tony Hart-esque gallery music (The Noveltones - Left Bank Two)

The late, great Tony Hart, RIP

Rolling back the years

It seems flight was written in my stars from an early age.

Here I am as a fresh faced 15 year old in my Air Training Corp days

Roping in the professionals

Have commissioned local leading illustrator Daniel Tarrant to make us some promo materials, his work to follow, in the mean time check out his website

Saturday 25 June 2011

Who Doesn't Like Free Stuff?

Not me thats for sure! Which is why I was elated to be able to call in a contact who was able to provide the team with a brilliant set of wheels for the glider. Many thanks to Ben P who was able to get some wheelbarrow wheels for us gratis from his place of work!

Although, it whilst mucking around on them it does kinda make me look like one of those pant-wettingly horrific villains from "Return to Oz" the "Wheelers"

Lies, Damned Lies & Statistics

The Para(dise) Glider Lost team has a 137% of winning Red Bull's 2011 Flugtag event in Leeds...is that a lie? A statistic? Or a premonition?  Who know, but a few people have mentioned that they didnt believe I had done the sewing on the wing, so here is a video proving it...sort of.

Slicey Slicey

All the practise on cutting up Sunday roasts has come in handy for carving up the foam on Adam & Eve

Hmmm Clowe should probably get a better belt! Bloody Kids and their low rise trousers!

The Para(dise) Glider Lost sweatshop

Im not sure if it is because i've been watching a lot of "It's always Sunny in Philadelphia" but my set up for sewing the wing material together seems to have turned a lot into the sweatshop seem from said program!  Am I right? You decide...

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Me and Clowe getting our build on

A few photos from a days build, what better way to get your build on on a sunny day with a beer and a fag

Saturday 11 June 2011

Getting Foamy

A quick video showing me adding the expandable foam to "Adam"

Safety First!

Remember kids, when using horrible icky chemicals at home you should always think safety first!

This expandable foam stuff is not good, it smells really bad, and if it sticks to your skin or clothes its gonna take some serious shifting! Have you ever wire-wooled your skin? Me neither, annd I don't want to start now.

- Plastic gloves - Check
- Old skanky clothes - Check
- Safety goggles - che...     errrrrm, will 3D glasses do? Yeah, F*ck it, CHECK!

Getting Head

Meet the happy couple

Friday 10 June 2011

Adam & Rib

The bases for the Adam & Eve on which the foam will be added!

And yes, I know what you're thinking, Eve is looking rather curvy, and Adam rather buff! Hubba Hubba!

Thursday 9 June 2011


Hello Good Postman, what is this interesting package you have delivered to me?

Holy bejeezus, is that what it looks like?

It sure is!! Thankyou kind people at Red Bull, but if I die of an aneurysm, please send a ham to my widow!

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Sneaky Peak

Here's a sneaky peak of our design for Flugtag 2011.

This year we're having an Adam & Eve theme, with 2 3m high figures supporting our craft.  Hence the really tenuous play on words with our glide name, having a bastardised portmanteau of Para Glider and Paradise Lost.

Challenge Accepted

Wikipedia almost seems to be challenging me to hurt myself so that they have something to fill that section in with! Cruel Buggers! Oh well, I don't want to dissappoint!


Meet the Team

The three guys making up the team are;

Dave Morley
Fleeing the Midlands to the wilds of Yorkshire to become an Engineer. Dave loves his live music and will be adding some muscle as part of the ground crew.

Chris 'Clowe' Lowe
Chris, has jetted off to the bright lights of Coventry, helps to keep the nations doormats full of birthday cards and letters from grandmothers, but unfortunately does not have a cat named jess to keep him company.  Chris will also be adding muscle as part of the ground crew, but also some artistic flair in the design.

Andy 'Bill' Billingham

On to me, El Capitan, I will be flying our fantabulous contraption, based in Birmingham working with my love of maps.  I will be driving the project forward, sourcing materials, and taking the lions share of the build.  If it works I will be taking all of the credit, but if we crash and burn, I will be the one taking the fall.

 Oh, and yes I am aware I seem to have gone for a bit of a Cowboy hat theme with the photos.  That's because cowboys are cool!

Red Bull Flugtag 2011

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